To provide food, medicine, and improved living conditions to children in Ukrainian orphanages
Contact Us: 503.407.9922
Email: questions@life2orphans.org

COVID-19 Support Fund
Many places in Ukraine are experiencing record numbers of COVID-19 cases, including many of the orphanages. Though a vaccine is available in Ukraine, misinformation is rampant and has left much of the population vulnerable. Children in orphanages are especially vulnerable as they live in crowded group settings, often suffer from vitamin deficiencies, and they lack access to supplies to help prevent infection. This support fund will allow Life 2 Orphans to work with in country staff to procure COVID-19 vaccines, N95 masks, surgical masks, gloves and hand sanitizer.
Ukraine suffocates amid rising COVID-19 deaths
Ukraine is reeling from a new wave of COVID-19 infections, putting hospitals and their staff at risk of being pushed beyond their limits. With the majority of cases unvaccinated, healthcare workers are urging people to take action before it is too late.